منتدى عهد
شرح كامل لغه  أنجليزيه  الثالث الثانوى ..  للوحده  3  المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله 616698752
منتدى عهد
شرح كامل لغه  أنجليزيه  الثالث الثانوى ..  للوحده  3  المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله 616698752
منتدى عهد
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى عهد

الرئيسيةمجلة فراشةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 3 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مستر خالد الجندى
عضو فعال
عضو فعال
مستر خالد الجندى

ساعة الأميرة عهد :
عدد المساهمات : 94
تاريخ التسجيل : 13/01/2013
العمر : 52

شرح كامل لغه  أنجليزيه  الثالث الثانوى ..  للوحده  3  المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 3 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله   شرح كامل لغه  أنجليزيه  الثالث الثانوى ..  للوحده  3  المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله Emptyالأحد يناير 13, 2013 8:47 pm

Unit 3: Energy

Key Vocabulary

liquid سائل coal الفحم
molten منصهر atom الذرة
nuclear نووى atomic ذرى
pipe أنبوبة / ينقل بالأنابيب fossil fuels وقود الحفريات
power station محطة طاقة generate يولد
pressure ضغط generation توليد / جيل
geothermal حرارى أرضى hydroelectric power طاقة كهرومائية
renewable متجدد waste نفايات / فضلات
non-renewable غير متجدد wind turbines محرك يعمل بقوة الرياح

Key Vocabulary

oil products منتجات البترول form يشكل / يكون / شكل
oil rig آلة البترول forms of energy أشكال الطاقة
furnace فرن / أتون Lake Nasser بحيرة ناصر
geo = earth مقطع بمعنى الأرض steam بخار
thermal = heat حرارة hot springs ينابيع مياه ساخنة
nuclear power طاقة نووية pump يضخ / مضخة
nuclear power station محطة طاقة نووية incredible لا يصدق
solar panels ألواح شمسية traditional تقليدى / قديم
plant نبات / مصنع create يخلق / يسبب
sources مصادر pollution التلوث
resources موارد pollute يلوث
sources of energy مصادر الطاقة environment البيئة
clean energy الطاقة push يدفع
substance مادة industry الصناعة
flow ينساب / يتدفق impressed متأثر
solid صلب sugar cane قصب السكر
rocks صخور vehicles مركبات
extremely للغاية / جدا palm trees أشجار النخيل
split ينشطر corn الحبوب
container وعاء / اناء vegetables الخضراوات
press يضغط على / يكبس beans الفول
surface سطح diesel زيت الديزل
damage يدمر camp يعسكر / معسكر
limp يعرج / عرج recharge يعيد شحن
bio-fuel وقود حيوى battery بطارية
natural gas الغاز الطبيعى share يشارك
amount = quantity كمية public transport المواصلات العامة
rubbish القمامة increase يزيد / يزداد
tower برج materials مواد
blade ريشة المروحة / نصل develop يطور
transport ينقل bury/buried/ buried يدفن
reduce يقلل conclusion استنتاج / خاتمة
produce ينتج drill يحفر
production انتاج cooperation التعاون
store يخزن cooperate يتعاون
safe امن air conditioning تكيف الهواء
save يوفر expectations توقعات / أمال
capture يستولى على/ يأسر/يحصل على harness يُسخر/يستخدم/يستغل
workplace مكان العمل nuclear waste نفايات نووية
energy-saving موفر للطاقة harmful ضار
electric bulb مصباح كهربى cycle يركب دراجة
thermostat ترموستات recycle = reuse يعيد استخدام
roar يزأر / زئير reycling اعادة الاستخدام

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

be joined to متصل بـ turn down يخفض (الصوت مثلا)
be extracted from يستخرج من at the same speed بنفس السرعة
come up يصعد لأعلى do a survey يقوم باستطلاع رأى
pump up to يضخ إلى make use of يستفيد من / يستغل
be connected to متصل بـ in my opinion فى رأيى
do damage يسبب دمار لـ run out of يستنفذ / يستهلك
turn into يتحول إلى types of أنواع كذا
come from يأتى من afford to + مصدر لديه ما يكفى من المال لـ
supply … with يزود .... بـ import … from يستورد ... من
depend on يعتمد على dangerous to خطير على
last for يستمر لمدة go through يمر من
use up يستهلك along the red sea بمحاذاة البحر الأحمر
divide … into يقسم ... إلى sail ships يُوجه أو يُسير السفن
get rid of يتخلص من be produced from ينتج من
switch off يطفئ (جهاز / النور) at the weekend فى عطلة نهاية الأسبوع
deal with يتناول / يتعامل مع give a reason يقدم سبب
Antonyms كلمات و عكسها

Word الكلمة Antonym العكس
renewable متجدد non-renewable غير متجدد
reduce يقلل increase يزيد
expensive غالى inexpensive رخيص
connected متصل disconnected غير متصل
switch off يوقف switch on يُشغل
import يستورد export يصدر

Derivatives المشتقات

Verb فعل Noun اسم Adjective صفة
renew يجدد renewal تجديد renewable متجدد
impress يؤثر فى impression انطباع impressed متأثر
predict يتنبأ بـ prediction تنبؤ predictable يمكن التنبؤ به
produce ينتج production انتاج productive انتاجى
introduce يقدم introduction مقدمة introductory تمهيدى
reduce يقلل reduction تقليل / خفض reduced مخفض


Liquid سائل A substance such as water which flows, and is not solid or a gas
Molten منصهر Molten metal or rock is liquid because it is extremely hot.
Nuclear نووى using the energy that is produced when an atom is split or joined to another atom
Pipe ينقل بالأنابيب to send a liquid or gas through a pipe to another place
Power station محطة طاقة a building where electricity is made
Pressure ضغط The force that a liquid or gas has when it is inside a container or place.
The force produced when pressing against something.
Coal الفحم a black fossil fuel from underground.
Atom ذرة the smallest part that a substance can be divided into
Fossil fuel وقود الحفريات fuel made from animals or plants that lived millions of years ago
Generate يولد Make electricity
Hydroelectric كهرومائى using water power to produce electricity
Renewable متجدد Can be produced as quickly as it is used
نفايات Materials that are left after you have used
something, which you want to get rid of because you no longer need them.
Wind turbine
محرك يعمل بقوة الرياح A building with parts that turn with the wind, which is used to make power

Confusable Words

hear يسمع (بدون قصد) listen to ينصت الى / يستمع الى (بقصد)
Ex: She heard a noise outside.
What kind of music do you listen to?

split / split / split ينقسم/ ينفصل / ينشطر / يشطر spill / spilt / spilt يسكب / ينسكب
spell / spelt /spelt يتهجى
Ex: When atoms split, enormous amounts of energy are released.
The milk spilt all over the floor.
Did I spell your name right?

lie / lied / lied يكذب lie / lay /lain يرقد / ينام / يقع ( للمكان )
lay / laid / laid يضع / تبيض (الدجاجةُ) / يُعِدّ / يُرتِّب
Ex: Don’t lie to me. I know everything.
He lay in bed listening to the birds singing.
The town lies to the east of the river.
He laid the book on the table.
The hens have laid a lot of eggs.
She laid the table for four people.

made of مصنوع من (مادة أو مواد لا يتغير شكلها بعد التصنيع)
made from مصنوع من (مادة أو مواد يتغير شكلها بعد التصنيع)
Ex: She bought a bag made of leather.
Bread is made from flour.

melt يصهر / ينصهر (بالحرارة) molten منصهر (فى درجة حرارة عالية مثل الصخور و المعادن)
smelt يستخرج المعدن من الخام
Ex: The snow usually melts by mid March.
Molten rocks rushed out of the well.
Iron ore خام is smelted in Helwan factory.

run out ينفذ (لا يتبعه مفعول به) run out of يستهلك (يتبعه مفعول به)
run on يعمل بــ / يدور بــ run after يطارد
Ex: We need to find forms of energy that will never run out.
We've run out of milk – can you go to the shop and get some?
Many cars nowadays run on petrol with no lead رصاص in it.
The police ran after the thieves who robbed the bank.
most + noun اسم: nearly all معظم the most + صفة طويلة: الأكثر
Ex: Most people think that money brings happiness.
This is the most expensive car I have ever seen.

another + اسم مفرد يعد / one (آخر (اضافى / مختلف
another + few / عدد + اسم جمع آخر
other+ اسم جمع يعد / one آخر
others الآخر / الآخرون (تشير الى الأشخاص و الأشياء )
Ex: I'm going to have another piece of cake.
Do you want to exchange this shirt for another one?
I'd like to extend my stay for another three weeks.
I'd like to stay in Cairo for another few days.
I don’t want this shirt. Give me the other one.
Tom and three other boys went fishing this afternoon.
Some people are rich while others are poor.
Some writers are greater than others.

instead of + v. + ing بدلا من instead بدلا من ذلك (تأتى أخر الجملة)
Ex: Instead of eating at home, we went to a restaurant.
There's no coffee - would you like a cup of tea instead?

Language Notes

need + مفعول + to + مصدر يحتاج ...... لكى
Ex: Machines need energy to work.

As well as + v. + ing بالإضافة الى
Ex: As well as cooking for 20 people, she did all the washing up.

Be used to + مصدر يستخدم لـ Be used for + v. + ing يستخدم لـ
Ex: Wood is used to make furniture.
Wood is used for making furniture.

stop + v. + ing يتوقف عن
Ex: We should stop using up non-renewable sources of energy.

take + مدة زمنية + to + مصدر يستغرق
Ex: Fossil fuels have taken millions of years to form.

Prefixes البادئات

 فى بعض الكلمات تضاف بادئةprefix لتعطى معنى عكسى مثل:
 non = not غير / عدم
fiction خيال non-fiction حقيقى / واقعى
nuclear نووى non-nuclear غير نووى
renewable متجدد non-renewable غير متجدد

 in = opposite / not عكس/غير
expensive غالى inexpensive رخيص
convenient مناسب inconvenient غير مناسب
efficient كفء inefficient غير كفء

 un = not غير
happy سعيد unhappy غير سعيد
fortunately لحسن الحظ unfortunately لسوء الحظ
paid مدفوع unpaid غير مدفوع

 dis = opposite/not عكس/غير
connected متصل disconnected غير متصل
agree يوافق disagree لا يوافق
appear يظهر disappear يختفى

 Choose the correct answer:
1- Water is the (liquid-soft-solid-hard) form of ice.
2- You send a liquid or gas through a (pipe-tape-type-ripe) to move it to another place.
3- Electricity is produced in a (energy-bus-power-gas) station.
4- (Pressure-Pleasure-Treasure-Press) is the force produced when two things push against each other.
5- (Diesel-Oil-Coal-Petrol) is a hard black fossil fuel from underground.
6- When atoms are split, (nuclear-hydroelectric-geothermal-biological) energy is produced.
7- If you make rock or metal very hot, it becomes (melted-smelted-frozen-molten).
8- Water passing through a dam produces (solar-nuclear-hydroelectric-geothermal) power.
9- Burying (waste-affair-matter-paste) in the ground can damage the environment.
10- Wind (turbines-wheels-bicycles-rings) have parts which are turned by the wind.
11- Many countries are now using more (nuclear-non smoking-non renewable-renewable) forms of energy from the sun and wind.
12- Coal, gas and oil are all types (from-of-about-with) fuel.
13- (Fossil-Fog-Pig-Frog) fuels like oil and gas are found under the ground.
14- Some forms of energy will (last-stand-keep-stay) forever.
15- For centuries, the wind has been used to (sell-sail-steal-stay) ships.
16- We should (save-sail-waste-spend) energy in our homes and workplaces.
17- Hydroelectric power is a (renewable-non renewable-curable-nuclear) source of energy in Egypt.
18- We need to increase our use of renewable forms of energy because we are running (into-away-out of-out) fossil fuels.
19- We should try to (reduce-increase-stop-ban) the amount of non-renewable fuels that we use.
20- Hydroelectricity is made (from-of-with-in) underground pools of water.
21- I always switch (on-off-with-up) the computer when I finish using it.
22- As well as (is-are-be-being) inexpensive, hydroelectric power does not pollute the environment.
23- (Renewable-Non renewable-Fossil-Refreshing) energy doesn’t run out
24- Nowadays, people use the wind to (do-make-work-consume) electricity.
25- Hydroelectric power uses (water-the wind-the sun-oil) to generate electricity.
26- The world depends so much (about-of-from-on) energy.
27- We need to find some forms of energy that will never run (out-off-away-on).
28- It takes millions of years to (run-renew-refresh-restore) fossil fuels.
29- Fossil fuels (lie-lain-lay-laid) buried beneath layers of earth and rock.
30- Windmills are connected (to-with-by-on) turbines to generate electricity.
31- Nuclear energy is generated by (spelling-spilling-splitting-cutting) atoms.
32- Today, most of the energy used in homes and industries comes from fossil (remains-animals-fuels-wood).
33- (Hydroelectric-Solar-Wind-Lunar) power supplies Egypt with a lot of its electricity.
34- Coal, oil and gas are (durable-renewable-exhaust-non renewable) forms of energy.
35- Coal, oil and gas have been (formed-framed-born-made) underground over millions of years.
36- We should all try to stop using (on-for-to-up) non-renewable sources of energy.
37- We get energy from the (cold-heat-ice-water) inside the earth.
38- Below the earth, the pressure is so great that rocks are (frozen-solid-molten-cold).
(Geothermal-Geographical-Biographical-Geological) energy is better for
the environment than energy produced by traditional power stations.
40- Energy from the sun will last (on-with-for-up) billions of years.
41- We can all do very simple things to (waste-pollute-spend-save) energy.
42- A (liquid-solid-gas-rock) is a substance such as water.
43- Fossil fuels have taken millions of years (forming-formed-to form-form).
44- Rubbish is a cheap source of (nuclear-non smoking-non renewable-renewable) energy.
45- Telephone, radio and television are all forms (for-to-in-of) communication.
46- We can benefit from old newspapers by (recycling-making-using-cleaning).
47- Coal, oil and natural gas are all (renewable-nuclear-energy-fossil) fuels.
48- Hydroelectric power stations (renew-generate-recycle-use) electricity.
49- (Geothermal-Geological-Geophysical-geometrical) energy is a kind of energy that comes from hot rocks under the ground.
50- Energy from the sun can be turned (out-over-on-into) electricity or heat.

 Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- Some countries have nuclear power instead that using fossil fuels.
2- We saved a lot of money by cycling the bottles.
3- Wind turbines along the Red Sea in Egypt exaggerate large amounts of electricity.
4- Nuclear power produces dangerous waist.
5- Energy from the sun is the best form of readable energy.
6- Nuclear power is produced when atoms spilt.
7- Most of the energy we use today comes from foil fuels like coal, oil and gas.
8- Wind (turns can generate electricity.
9- Hydroelectric power does not pollinate the environment.
10- There are many different shapes of energy.
11- We kept out of all the bread. Could you buy some when you go out?
12- A lot of countries depend of nuclear power.
13- Don't use off all the cheese, we need some for
14- It takes a long time learning a foreign language.
15- A power state is a building where electricity is made.

Language Focus

Present simple Tense: Active
زمن المضارع البسيط : المبنى للمعلوم

 Form: التكوين
 يتكون المضارع البسيط من مصدر الفعل بدون to مثل: play / go / eat
 يضاف للفعل حرف s مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب (he / she /it)
want - wants hate - hates
sell - sells say – says
 يضاف es للفعل المنتهى بــ o / ss / sh / ch / x مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب
go - goes miss - misses wish - wishes
watch - watches mix - mixes
 يضاف ies للفعل المنتهى بحرف y مسبوق بحرف ساكن مع حذف حرف الــ y
carry - carries fly-flies

 يضاف حرف s للفعل المنتهى بحرف y مسبوق بحرف متحرك
buy - buys stay-stays
- We use petrol in our cars.
- The sun rises in the east.

 Usage: الاستخدام

 يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن حقائق تكون دائما
- Doctors help ill people.

 يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن عادة habit أو حدث متكرر repeated action
- I go to work at 7 o’clock.
- I do my homework every night.

 يعبر المضارع البسيط عن حالة أو موقف حقيقى دائم true situation
- I prefer coffee to tea.

 يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع الظروف الزمنية الآتية وتأتى فى نهاية الجملة أو أولها
every day/ week / year - twice a week / a month - on Sundays / Fridays
- We watch TV every night.
- Every night we watch TV.
- I go to the library once a week.

 يستخدم المضارع البسيط مع ظروف التكرار و تأتى قبل الفعل الأساسى فى الجملة أو بعد verb to be (am / is / are)
always دائماً - usually عادةً - often غالباً - sometimes أحياناً - not often
rarely / seldom نادراً - never أبداً – ever – frequently - occasionally
- I always try to save energy.
- I rarely watch television.
- I’m always in a hurry in the morning.

Present simple Tense: Passive
زمن المضارع البسيط : المبنى للمجهول

 تتكون زمن المضارع البسيط فى صيغة المبنى للمجهول من:

مفعول + am / is / are + pp + by + فاعل

- Trees are sometimes blown down in the night.
- His house is heated by the sun.

 الآفعال اللازمة (و هى الأفعال التى لا يليها مفعول) لا تستخدم فى صيغة المبنى للمجهول و لا يليها (فاعل (by + مثل:

roar يزأر limp يعرج lie يكذب / ينام camp يعسكر
work يعمل fall يقع come يأتي happen يحدث
stand يقف stay يمكث sleep ينام rain تمطر

- Heat and light come from the sun.
- A strange thing happened yesterday.
 نستخدم المبنى للمجهول:
1- للتأكيد على كلمة أو فكرة معينة ، غالبا الفاعل الرئيسى للجملة
- Water is brought to people’s houses in large plastic bottles.
(الشئ المهم هنا هو الماء ، و ليس الشخص الذى يحضر الماء)
2- عندما لا يكون الشخص الذى قام بالفعل غير مهم أو غير معلوم
- Our post is delivered every morning at about nine o’clock.
(نعرف أن ساعى البريد هو الذى يقوم بتوصيل البريد)
- The food is prepared in that restaurant.
(لا نحتاج معرفة من يعد الطعام)

Present Continuous Tense: Active
زمن المضارع المستمر: المبنى للمعلوم

 Form: التكوين
 يتكون المضارع المستمر من am / is / are + v. + ing
- It is raining now.
- She is cooking at the moment.
- They are studying at present.
 إذا كان الفعل ينتهى بحرف e يحذف عند إضافة الـ ing
write writing leave leaving
move moving
 إذا كان الفعل ينتهى بـ ie نحول الـ ie إلى y عند إضافة الـ ing
die dying lie lying
 إذا كان الفعل يتكون من مقطع واحد و ينتهى بحرف ساكن مسبوق بحرف متحرك يضاعف
الحرف الأخير عند إضافة الــ ing .
stop stopping run running
cut cutting
 إذا كان الفعل يتكون من مقطعين أو اكثر و ينتهى بحرف ساكن مسبوق بحرف متحرك يضاعف الحرف الأخير عند إضافة الــ ing .
begin beginning prefer preferring

 Usage: الاستخدام
 يعبر المضارع المستمر عن فعل يحدث الآن أو لحظة الكلام.
- They are watching TV.
- I’m eating ice cream now.
- Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying.
 يعبر المضارع المستمر عن شئ تم ترتيبه من قبل.
- I’m leaving early today. I’ve arranged it with the headmaster.
 يعبر المضارع المستمر عن حدث يحدث و لكن ليس بالضرورة فى لحظة الكلام.
- I’m reading an interesting book at the moment.
 يستخدم المضارع المستمر مع الكلمات الآتية:
now الآن - at the moment فى هذه اللحظة - look انتبه
listen أنصت - at present فى الوقت الحاضر
- Look! A car is coming.
- They are playing tennis now.

Present Continuous Tense: Passive
زمن المضارع المستمر: المبنى للمجهول

 عند تحويل جملة فى زمن المضارع المستمر من مبنى للمعلوم active إلى صيغة المبنى للمجهول passive نستخدم:

مفعول + am / is / are + being + p.p. + by + فاعل

- The room is being cleaned.
- The mistakes are being corrected.

 Choose the correct answer:
1- In many countries, the wind (use-uses-is using-is used) to generate electricity.
2- Scientists (want-wants-are wanting-are being wanted) to find more forms of renewable energy.
3- Huge amounts of electricity (is produced-produce-are produced-are producing) in nuclear power stations.
4- Holes (drill-is drilled-are drilling-are drilled) into the earth to find hot water.
5- In some cities, rubbish (burn-burns-is burnt-is burring) to produce electricity.
6- Water (heat-is heated-are heated-is heating) to turn it into steam.
7- The steam (is piped-pipes-is piping-are piped) to a power station.
8- Electricity (produces-is producing-is produced-produce) from the water in the power station.
9- Electricity is sometimes (to make-making-makes-made) from wind turbines.
10- In many parts of the world, wood (burns-is burnt-is burning-to burn) to heat people's homes.
11- Plants and trees (are used-are using-will be using-use) for different purpose.
12- She often (is working-works-was working-work) at the weekend.
13- We (use-are used-will be used-is used) palm trees to produce vegetable oil.
14- Sugar cane is (grow-growing-to grow-grown) and used to make fuel for cars and other vehicles.
15- We (are used-use-using-to use) different types of energy in Egypt today.
16- Be quiet! I (listen-have listened-was listened-am listening) to the news.
17- Mary usually (wash-washes-is washing-washed) the dishes before watching TV.
18- You must take your umbrella. It (rain-rains-is raining-should rain) outside.
19- A lot of glass bottles (take-are taken-are taking-is taken) to the recycling plant every week.
20- Nurses (look-looks-are looking-are looked) after patients in hospitals.
21- She (is staying-stays-stay-has stayed) with her sister at the moment until she finds somewhere to live in.
22- Ann (isn’t drinking-didn’t drink-don’t drink-doesn’t drink) tea very often.
23- Don’t switch off the TV. I (watch-watches-watched-am watching) it.
24- I always (makes-make-am making-am made) silly mistakes when I’m taking an exam.
25- I (eat-eats-am eating-ate) an ice cream now. It’s delicious.
26- Rania always (switch-switching-switched-switches) off her computer when she has finished using it.
27- The earth (go-goes-is going-is gone) round the sun.
28- Mansour (take-takes-is taken-is taking) his glass bottles to the recycling plant every week.
29- Don’t put the dictionary away. I (use-using-uses-am using) it.
30- Methane (produce-produces-is produced-is producing) by decaying rubbish.

 Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- The government is spent a lot of money on education.
2- The Aswan high dam generate hydroelectric power.
3- He is admires for his intelligence.
4- Mother always is after me to do my homework.
5- He usually drink a cup of coffee after lunch.
6- We are being ask many questions by the tourist
7- Smoking don’t allowed in the lecture hall.
8- English is speak in America.
9- Nothing is knowing about the missing jewels.
10- Water is boiling at 100 °C.
11- He can't speak to you just now. He has a shower.
12- Oil finds far beneath the earth.
13- Are you wanting to speak to him now?
14- Wood is using to make paper.
15- My office cleans every day.
16- This place rarely visits by anyone.
17- In summer, Dalia usually play tennis once or twice a week.

Language Functions

Asking for information
طلب معلومات Giving information
تقديم معلومات
- Excuse me, could I ask you some questions about..? - Yes, of course.
- Can / Could you tell me .........? Yes, that's fine..
- Do you know anything about.......? Yes, certainly.
- How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by car.
- What does "…" mean? - It means..
- You can look it up in the dictionary.
- Do you think the price of oil will increase in the future? Why / Why not? - Yes, because it will soon be harder to find.
- How do you think air conditioning damages the environment? - It makes the outdoors hotter.
- It uses a lot of energy, which comes from burning oil or coal.
- How can people save energy? - They can use cars less.
- They can switch off lights.
- How can we keep fit? - We can walk or cycle more.
- How often do you travel by car? -I travel by car two or three times a week.

 Respond to each of the following situations:
1- Your friend asks you how you can keep fit. What do you say?
2- Someone asks you how you often travel to school by. How do you reply?
3- You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is "geothermal". What do you ask?
4- You want to know how your friend usually goes to school. What do you ask?
5- Someone asks you how air conditioning damages the environment. How do you reply?
6- Someone asks you if you think the price of oil will increase in the future. What do you say?
7- You are doing a survey about pollution in your town. You would like to ask someone some questions. Explain the situation.

Test 3 (Unit 3 & Chapter 2)

A) Language Functions

1- Respond to each of the following situations:
1- You are doing a survey about energy in your town. You would like to ask someone some questions. Explain the situation.
2- You want to know about a friend's energy-saving habits. What do you ask?
3- You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is "hydroelectric". What do you ask?
4- Someone asks you how you usually travel to school every day. How do you reply?

2- Mention the place, the speakers and the language function in each of the following two mini-dialogues:
1- A: Hello! Can I help you, sir? Place:
B: Yes, I'd like to have a single room, please. Speaker A:
A: With or without a bathroom? Speaker B:
B: With a bathroom. Function

2- A: I'd like a ticket to Alex, please. Place:
B: Here you are. Speaker A:
A: Thanks. How much is it? Speaker B:
B: It's 20 pounds. Function:

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Coal and oil are two kinds of fossil …………………… .
a) petrol b) gas c) energy d) fuels
2- Electricity is produced in a ………………… station.
a) bus b) railway c) power d) energy
3- In very hot weather, ice cream turns to ………………….. .
a) water b) soft c) liquid d) juice
4- We call oil and coal ………………… fuels.
a) fossil b) old c) renewable d) waste
5- Wind and wave power are types of …………….. energy.
a) new b) waste c) renewable d) cheap
6- …………………… is a way to reuse materials such as paper and glass rather than throwing them away.
a) Returning b) Restoring c) Removing d) Recycling
7- Hydroelectric power does not (purify-pollinate-pollute-promote) the atmosphere.
a) purify b) pollinate c) pollute d) promote

8- Windmills are connected to turbines to ………………… electricity.
a) generate b) motivate c) radiate d) facilitate
9- Most furniture ………….. from wood.
a) made b) is made c) make d) makes
10- Many people ………….. vegetables in their gardens.
a) growing b) are grown c) grow d) is grown
11- Petrol ……………… from oil.
a)made b) makes c) are made d) is made
12- In some modern homes, water ………….. by energy from the sun.
a) are heated b) heat c) is heated d) is heating
13- In some places, wood ……………… to heat people’s homes.
a) is burnt b) are burnt c) burns d) burnt
14- Scientists ………………………… to find more sources of renewable energy.
a) is wanted b) am wanted c) has wanted d) want
15- Scientists are still ………………… to find out what happens when we sleep.
a) have been trying b) trying c) try d) tried
16- Water ……………… to people’s houses in large plastic bottles.
a) is brought b) is bringing c) bringing d) brought

4-Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1- Water is the solid form of ice.
2- People can waste lots of money by using the underground.
3- You should reinvent paper rather than throw it away
4- Wood is burning for heating and cooking.
5- Oil and gas are find under the ground.
6- The mechanic is repaired my car at the moment.

C) Reading

5-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Man's life has been subject to a lot of change during the
last hundred years, particularly in what is connected with his consuming
استهلاكhabits. Sixty years ago, people did not throw away so many of
the things they used. They used and re-used bottles, jars برطمانات,
cardboard كارتون boxes, paper bags, etc. much more carefully than we do
today. Now, more than fifty years later, we are returning to the same
good idea which we now call "recycling".
We can again think
about what we throw out. Why do we throw away so much food packaging
تعبئة, so many plastic supermarket bags, old newspapers, old books,
bottles and cans علب? What is all this rubbish doing to our environment,
to the world we live in? Can't we use some of it again? The answer is:
yes, we can. New industries - recycling industries - are starting to
re-use some of our rubbish.
For example, the island of
Taiwan now buys tons أطنان of waste paper from the U.S.A. and recycles
it to make newspapers, and for use in offices and homes. Japan takes
scrap metal حديد خردة from the U.S.A. and makes some new parts with it.
Most European and American cities now have "recycling centres" for
people's old bottles and newspapers. For both the environment and the
economy, recycling makes very good sense.

A) Answer the following Questions:
1- What "change" does the writer refer to in the first paragraph?
2- Mention two industries that make use of rubbish.
3- What does the underlined word "it" in the second paragraph refer to?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
4- Our grandparents were ................ than we are today.
a) less careful b) more careful c) more economic d) less wise
5- When we recycle rubbish, we ................... our environment.
a) pollute b) protect c) destroy d) consume

6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
It has been John’s lifelong dream to play on the middle school
softball team. He began playing softball when he was in the second
grade. His older brother, Tom, taught him to play. They practiced every
afternoon. The middle school softball team tryouts were announced. Tom
has helped John prepare for the team tryouts. Twenty-three students
tried out for the team. The team only had spaces for five students. He
worked as hard as he could to prepare for the tryouts. He felt like he
had done a good job at the tryouts, but he was nervous, waiting for the
team list to be posted. His parents took him to the school to see who
had made the team. He was so happy when he saw his name on the list.
When they left the school, his parents said they should go
out for pizza. It would just be a little family celebration in his
honour. They called his brother, Tom, and he met them at the restaurant.
He walked in with a big smile on his face. He was proud of John. His
parents were very proud too, although they warned him about keeping his
grades up and making sure he did all his homework every day. They do not
need to worry about those things. He’d work very hard to stay on the

A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- How many students did the team need?
2- Why did they go out for pizza?
3- What does the underground word “him” refer to?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The first paragraph mainly discusses …………….. .
a) eating pizza b) playing softball
c) doing homework d) finding his name on the list
5- Which of the following best describes how John felt when she saw her name on the list?
a) nervous b) happy
c) angry d) sad

The Mask of Gold

7-A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did Lander tell Leila about his work?
2- Why did Leila study archaeology in Rome?

B) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
“Yes, of course. They asked about it in Customs.”
1- Who said this to whom?
2- What does “it” refer to?

C) Complete the following sentences:
1- When Lander knew that Leila was an archaeologist, he seemed ………… .
2- The customs let Leila through when …………………………..……………………. .

D) Writing

8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on:
The importance of energy

9- A) Translate into Arabic:
Most of the energy we use today comes from coal, oil and gas.
But these will not last forever, and burning them is slowly harming the
environment. So we need to look for other ways of supplying energy.

B) Translate into English:
1-يجب أن تتعاون دول العالم لتطوير أنواع جديدة من الطاقة و الإقلال من الآثار الضارة مثل الاحتباس الحرارى.
2-يحاول العلماء اليوم تطوير مصادر أخرى للطاقة لتفى باحتياجاتنا المتزايدة .
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المديره العامه
المديره العامه

ساعة الأميرة عهد :
عدد المساهمات : 548
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/05/2012
العمر : 51


شرح كامل لغه  أنجليزيه  الثالث الثانوى ..  للوحده  3  المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 3 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله   شرح كامل لغه  أنجليزيه  الثالث الثانوى ..  للوحده  3  المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله Emptyالأحد مارس 10, 2013 2:51 pm

الابداع والتألق في طرحك..
سلمت آنآملك على هالطرح الرآآقي..
تشرفت بالمرور بمتصفحك لاستنشق عبير إبدآآعك..
كنت هنآأإ..دينااااااااااااآ
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كبار شخصيات
كبار شخصيات

ساعة الأميرة عهد :
عدد المساهمات : 407
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/05/2012

شرح كامل لغه  أنجليزيه  الثالث الثانوى ..  للوحده  3  المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 3 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله   شرح كامل لغه  أنجليزيه  الثالث الثانوى ..  للوحده  3  المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله Emptyالجمعة أبريل 19, 2013 9:04 pm

مشكورة على الطرح
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 3 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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» شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 4 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله
» شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 6 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله
» شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 5 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله
» شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 7 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله
» شرح كامل لغه أنجليزيه الثالث الثانوى .. للوحده 8 المرحله الثانيه.. قنبله

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى عهد :: المناهج الدراسية المرحلة الثانوية :: الصف الثالث الثانوى :: اللغة الإنجليزية-
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